Notify the procedure of financial statement submission

BackJan 22, 2009



22 January 2009

Subject: Notify the procedure of financial statement submission

To: President The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET)

Thai Tap Water Supply Public Company Limited ("the Company") would like to notify your office on the procedure in submitting the financial statement as follows:

1. Reviewed financial statement
The Company will submit the reviewed financial statement of each of the first, the second, and the third quarters within 45 days from the end of each quarter, and will not submit un-reviewed financial statement. The Company does not submit the reviewed and un-reviewed financial statement of the forth quarter.

2. Audited financial statement
The Company will submit the audited financial statement of the year end within 60 days from the end of the accounting period (December 31st).

Please be informed accordingly.


Yours Faithfully,


Sompodh Sripoom
(Managing Director)


  • 2009-01-22_ttw001E.pdf (Size: 21,301 bytes)